
Sunday 6 January 2013


Gerakan Youth's 2013 New Year Message
Press statement by Gerakan Youth Secretary General
Dr. Dominic Lau Hoe Chai
31 December 2012
            Gerakan Youth Secretary General Dr. Dominic Lau Hoe Chai has announced the Gerakan Youth's new outlook for the year 2013 on the last day of 2012. As he bids farewell to 2012 and welcomes the arrival of 2013, Dr. Dominic Lau said Gerakan Youth will continue to work hard comprehensively in the four main directions of politics, economics, culture and education, continue to serve the people well.
            Throughout this year, political parties in the country have been actively preparing for the GE-13 and Gerakan is with no exception. The unnecessary controversies in politics shall immediately be stopped, to quell the disputes and always keep the interests of the people in mind. As the Prime Minister said: "the people are eager to see what the current and future government is capable of doing for the people?"
            "Gerakan Youth which is politically based will continue to move towards becoming rejuvenated, a professionalized group, attracting more bold, farsighted and positive youth to join the ranks, to ensure that Gerakan will be able to attract more as well as to hold onto the votes of the youth," added Dr. Dominic Lau.
The "multi-racial, multi-cultural and multi-religious" characteristic that held by Malaysia must continue to be retained in the future as well as to flourish it. Such a cultural identity will also enable Malaysia to capture the attention on the global stage. Therefore, we condemn the opposition for playing up the racial issues in order to gain political mileage. On the contrary, mutual respect for each other culture is the proper way to truly reflect the harmony of all races.
The General Election is just around the corner, the election mechanism of each political party has started. As a component party of the Barisan Nasional, we sincerely hope that we will be entrusted by the people once again, to become a government of all people, uphold the 1Malaysia concept, people-first and performance now.
Under the 1Malaysia spirit, the unity of diversification, in search of a common ground, emphasizing mutual acceptance and the importance of mutual respect. Therefore, we should reject racism, in the midst of fighting for own rights, we must also know how to respect the others.

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